Azure Batch not communicating with storage container


I am trying to run a pipeline within Azure Batch, but whenever it runs I get the error that it was killed by an external system. All of the setup steps run fine (I.E. the creation of the workdir,,, etc.), but no further files are made (no .command.log nor .exitcode)

I believe that this is due to a poor formation of the output file URL in the task created by nextflow. Here’s an example:

    "outputFiles": [
            "filePattern": ".exitcode",
            "destination": {
                "container": {
                    "path": "nextflow_work/79/2f613d86e51525e85889e3e8e6ec1f/.exitcode",
                    "containerUrl": "https://<censored><censored>?<censored>"
            "uploadOptions": {
                "uploadCondition": "TaskCompletion"
            "filePattern": ".command.log",
            "destination": {
                "container": {
                    "path": "nextflow_work/79/2f613d86e51525e85889e3e8e6ec1f/.command.log",
                    "containerUrl": "https://<censored><censored>?<censored>"
            "uploadOptions": {
                "uploadCondition": "TaskCompletion"

When we attempt to look at the results on Azure, there is an error that the specified container does not exist. It seems like the and are working fine.

My current config is capable of: Creating the work directories automatically, creating and uploading results to the storage container, and downloading input files from the storage container. However it cannot seem to use the blobs that it created once the node attempts to run.

I unfortunately don’t have the .command.log to attach, but I can attach the .nextflow.log.

.nextflow.log (54.4 KB)

This seems likely to be the process doesn’t have sufficient permissions to upload results files. How is Nextflow authenticating to Azure? If you are using a Service Principal, what permissions do you have? Could you share the nextflow.config without any secret details?

We are using a service principal that has the storage blob contributor and contributor permissions for the storage container.

Here is the censored nextflow.config:
censored_nextflow.config (18.7 KB)

It was also need a Storage Blob Reader, this allows it to list containers. I’m not entirely sure why but I’ve always had to add ‘reader’ in addition to ‘contributor’, although contributor should include reader.

Thanks for the help!

It actually turned out to be a red herring thrown by Azure when the real problem was the docker container. I was barking up the wrong tree the whole time!

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