Including gif images in MultiQC report?

Hi Nextflow/MultiQC community!

This may be better suited for a feature request on GitHub, but I wanted to gather information before doing that.

I’m currently using MultiQC in my neuroimaging pipeline to create QC screenshots of some essential processing steps, which works great. However, for some steps (such as registration), including a .gif file would be more informative since the user could evaluate the alignment between two images simply by looking at the gif.

I guess this brings up two questions:

  1. Is there a way to include a .gif file in the MultiQC report? From what I read in the documentation, gif files do not seem to be supported in MultiQc.
  2. If not, would it be possible to add this functionality?

Thank you for this great package, by the way!


Hi @gagnonanthony,

This seems like a reasonable request, I just tried and couldn’t get it to work, so I opened a small PR to add support for .gif (and also .webp and .tiff because why not):

Please bear in mind that embedding large images in reports can make them huge and crash the browser. This is especially true because the files are decoded and base64 encoded within the HTML which is significantly less efficient. In my test a .gif of 3.6MB and .webp of 44KB gave a MultiQC report that was 16.2MB. So handle with care! (12.8 MB)



Amazing @ewels ! Thank you so much!


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