Change the default description of a supported tool

This is a bit nuance. But I’d like to change the default description of one of the supported tools.

Specifically, I want to change the description of: “This plot shows the number of reads (SE) / pairs (PE) removed by Cutadapt.” It’s actually the description of one of its sections.

How can I make this happen ? Thank you

Before I look into it - what do you want to change it to? If it’s generic (eg. “My data is only single end so want to remove the PE bit”) then we can probably do that in the module for all users and sidestep the question.

Actually, our data is only pair-end (PE) so I want to remove the SE part. So, this is probably not generic enough.

Yeah, let’s just do that for everyone in the module according to read counts. It’s a nice little tweak :+1:t2:

If you could open a github issue requesting this as a new feature that’d be great, so that it doesn’t get lost. Thanks!

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