I am trying to loop through a list of files, but am getting a compilation error. Does anyone see where I am going wrong?
process cgpVAF_merge {
tag "${meta.donor_id}"
label "normal"
publishDir "${params.outdir}/${meta.donor_id}/", mode: 'copy'
tuple val(meta),
path(vafs, stageAs: "vaf??.tsv")
tuple val(meta),
# get variant info cols: Chrom Pos Ref Alt normal_MTR normal_DEP
cut -f 3,4,5,6,24,26 ${vafs[0]} \\
> tmp.1.cut
# for all files, get *_MTR and *_DEP columns
for file in ${vafs.join(' ')} ; do
cols=\$(head -1 \$file | tr '\\t' '\\n' \\
| grep -n '_\(MTR\|DEP\)$' \\
| grep -v '^.*normal_\\(DEP\\|MTR\\)$' \\
| cut -d: -f1 | tr '\\n' ',' | sed 's/,\$//')
cut -f\$cols \$file > tmp.\$file.cut
# combine all extracted columns
paste tmp.*.cut > ${meta.donor_id}_${meta.vcf_type}_vaf.tsv
Here is the error when I try to run it:
$ nextflow run ../low_input_trees/ --reflag false --sample_sheet out/metadata/sample_sheet_BRCA.csv --sequencing_type WGS -profile sanger_hg38 --outdir out/BRCA/ -resume -with-tower -N at31@sanger.ac.uk
N E X T F L O W ~ version 24.10.0
Launching `../low_input_trees/main.nf` [spontaneous_cori] DSL2 - revision: 9c4d6c611a
ERROR ~ Module compilation error
- file : /lustre/scratch126/casm/team154pc/at31/low_input_trees/./modules/cgpVAF.nf
- cause: token recognition error at: ' ; do\n cols=\$(head -1 \$file | tr '\\t' '\\n' \\\n | grep -n '_\(' @ line 107, column 32.
for file in ${vafs.join(' ')} ; do
1 error
-- Check script '/lustre/scratch126/casm/team154pc/at31/low_input_trees/main.nf' at line: 14 or see '.nextflow.log' file for more details