I have updated multiqc from v1.13 to 1.27. The new multiqc report using fastqc data does not show me anymor the heatmap graph in the “per base sequence conten” section. I cannot find an optional parameter to instruct multiqc to ceate this plot, it was the default setting in previous releases when running multiqc .
in the fastqc report folder.
Has this plot been disabled in the new version? How can I get this heatmap in the current release?
Best regards,
Confirming this is a bug. Sorry about this @ARW-UBT and thanks a lot for reporting!
Fixing it with FastQC: fix "Per Base Sequence Content" heatmap by vladsavelyev · Pull Request #3075 · MultiQC/MultiQC · GitHub, the fix will be released in a few days with a patch release 1.27.1
Thank you for you fast response. I will wait for the patch release.
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