question on config variable setting~
I need to use nextflow v22.10.4 for a non-nf-core pipeline. I set my conda/singularity cache dirs in my config file, but am getting the following error indicating that apptainer is looking at the wrong directory (/$HOME/$USER/
instead of specified dir which is on a different node called /ceph/
FATAL: While making image from oci registry: error fetching image to cache: while building SIF from layers: while creating SIF: while unloading container: close /dicos_ui_home/ewissel/.apptainer/cache/oci-tmp/tmp_3980167945: disk quota exceeded
I tried to update the apptainer cache in my config file but must have done so unsuccessfully as I got the same error on a rerun. Can someone help me fix the apptainer cache directory? I used the singularity/conda cache dir commands as a template, so I don’t quite understand where I’m going wrong here.
## relevant partt of nextflow.config
profiles {
standard {
conda {
useMamba = false
conda.enabled = true
// Allow longer conda creation timeout
createTimeout = '2 h'
cacheDir = "/ceph/work/IBMS-PHLab/emily/nf_conda/"
params.enable_conda = true
singularity.enabled = false
singularity.automounts = false
docker.enabled = false
podman.enabled = false
shifter.enabled = false
charliecloud.enabled = false
conda {
conda {
useMamba = false
conda.enabled = true
// Allow longer conda creation timeout
createTimeout = '2 h'
cacheDir = "/ceph/work/IBMS-PHLab/emily/nf_conda/"
params.enable_conda = true
singularity.enabled = false
singularity.automounts = false
docker.enabled = false
podman.enabled = false
shifter.enabled = false
charliecloud.enabled = false
singularity {
singularity.enabled = true
singularity.autoMounts = true
singularity.runOptions = "--bind /ceph/sharedfs/work/IBMS-PHLab/emily/tmp:/tmp"
singularity.cacheDir = "/ceph/work/IBMS-PHLab/emily/singularity-images/"
docker.enabled = false
podman.enabled = false
shifter.enabled = false
charliecloud.enabled = false
docker {
singularity.enabled = false
singularity.autoMounts = false
docker.enabled = true
podman.enabled = false
shifter.enabled = false
charliecloud.enabled = false
apptainer {
apptainer.cacheDir = "/ceph/work/IBMS-PHLab/emily/singularity-images/" ## what I added
When I run nextflow, i specify -profile singularity, so I’m not sure if the apptainer cache needs to be connected to the singularity profile in this instead of how it is now? Thanks for the help!