Hello, I have a set of bams, beds and readnum.txt files that I need to group by the sample and then process. Initially I start with this:
[[id:test1_signal, sample:test1, type:signal, single_end:false], test1_signal.bam]
[[id:test1_signal, sample:test1, type:signal, single_end:false], test1_signal.readnum.txt]
[[id:test2_signal, sample:test2, type:signal, single_end:false], test2_signal.bam]
[[id:test1_background, sample:test1, type:background, single_end:false], test1_background.readnum.txt]
[[id:test1_signal, sample:test1, type:signal, single_end:false], test1_signal.clip.peakClusters.bed]
Now I would like to group them by sample so that the next process acts on pairs of type:signal and type:background of the same sample. I do this like so (I know this is not the nicest code so suggestions appreciated), which seem to do things correctly:
.groupTuple(by: [0])
.map {
meta,result ->
[meta, meta.sample, result[0], result[1], result[2] ]}
.groupTuple(by: [1])
.map {
result -> [[id:result[0].sample[0],single_end:result[0].single_end[0]],result[2],result[3],result[4]]}
.set { ch_bamreadbed }
which gives me
[[id:test2, single_end:false], [test2_signal.bam, test2_background.bam], [test2_signal.clip.peakClusters.bed, test2_background.readnum.txt], [test2_signal.readnum.txt, test2_background.clip.peakClusters.bed]]
[[id:test1, single_end:false], [test1_background.bam, test1_signal.bam], [test1_background.readnum.txt, test1_signal.readnum.txt], [test1_background.clip.peakClusters.bed, test1_signal.clip.peakClusters.bed]]
But yet when I put it through a process:
publishDir "${params.outdir}/overlapPeaks", mode: 'copy' container 'brianyee/eclip:0.7.0_perl' input: tuple val(meta), tuple(bam), tuple(readnum), tuple(bed) output: tuple val(meta), path("*.bed"), emit: bed script: def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${meta.id}" """ overlap_peakfi_with_bam_PE.pl \ ${bam[0]} ${bam[1]} ${bed[0]} ${bed[1]} ${readnum[0]} ${readnum[1]} ${prefix}.normed.bed """
I get an error:
ERROR ~ No such variable: bam
What am I missing?