Seqera runs not launching due to Invalid ParamsText

A new issue has occurred in our workspace for multiple users across multiple types of pipelines, where the runs can not be launched due to the following error:

Invalid ParamsText - Overwritten parameters cannot contain referenced values

Any advice on where this is coming from and how to resolve would be appreciated, we have not changed anything as far as how we are launching the runs, so seems to be something platform related?

Thank you.

This error message indicates that some of the overwritten parameters have the following form: ${params.another_parameter}. These types of parameters are only allowed in the nextflow.config, but cannot be passed to Nextflow later. They need to be passed in the resolved form, without the reference.

Since this validation has been added recently, it can happen that a pipeline that worked before, now shows this error. This error can occur in the following cases:

  1. You edited some value directly in the launch form, and this value had ${params.} form. → If you edit a value in the launch form, you need to put the full “resolved” value, without reference.
  2. When you added the pipeline in the first place, one of the overwritten parameters that were added explicitly in the platform had this form. → You can go to editing the pipeline, and remove/replace it there.
  3. It can also happen if there is a default value in the nextflow_schema.json that has the same form that includes a reference.