Create jobs on Seqera Cloud and run on local server


We currently have access to Seqera Cloud. And we are hoping to create jobs there and have the jobs running on our local servers, which are inside an institutional firewall blocking access from outside. We heard that it is possible to install a small program on our server to make it work. Could someone please provide more info on the subject?

Thank you very much for your help! We really appreciate.

Welcome to the community forum, @ckywong :partying_face:

The small program you’re referring to is the Tower Agent. You can read more about it here, including instructions on downloading and using it for your scenario.

Thank you very much for your quick response. I will check out Tower Agent.

BTW, I just noticed there is also a tower-cli, which allows users to interactive with Seqera Cloud from command line on local computer. I just wonder if I run tower-cli on a local computer to create job on Seqera Cloud, is it possible for the job to run on the local computer without Tower Agent installed?

Thanks again for your help. We really appreciate.

BTW, I just noticed there is also a tower-cli, which allows users to interactive with Seqera Cloud from command line on local computer

Yes! You can read more about the Seqera Platform CLI (tw) here. Instructions on how to install it can be found here.

if I run tower-cli on a local computer to create job on Seqera Cloud, is it possible for the job to run on the local computer without Tower Agent installed?

No. tw launches pipelines through Seqera Platform, so you still need your compute environment set up in Seqera Platform (in your example here, your HPC through Tower Agent).

But… yes, you can run pipelines locally without Tower Agent and have Seqera Platform monitor your run. For that, you just have to set your TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN in your local machine and run your Nextflow pipeline as usual adding -with-tower at the end. Follow the step by step below:

Getting your Tower Access Token

Running your pipeline

Copy the PAT (Personal Access Token) and store it somewhere. You have to set it with export TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN=YOUR_TOKEN_HERE (consider adding it to your .zshrc or .bashrc, depending on your shell) and then:

nextflow run hello -with-tower

And you will be able to see in your run page:

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Thank you very much for your quick response and clear explanation! It is very helpful.

Have a wonderful day!

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