Launch Seqera cloud but run on my own machine!

Hello community,

I have got access to Seqera cloud. Now I want to create jobs and run on my local machine. My local machine consisted of two NVIDIA GPU’s capable of performing heavy tasks. I want to configure compute environment for my local machine rather than cloud service providers as Stanford has firewall etc.
How can I configure it? Thanks

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Did the firewall block running your pipeline with -with-tower and having TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN set as an environment variable?

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2 options:

  1. Install a scheduler on your local machine (e.g. Slurm) and then add it as an HPC
  2. Run nextflow run <project> -with-tower as @mribeirodantas says

Option 1 is better because the scheduler will make sure the machine isn’t overloaded, but it is more work.