Episode 24 - Nextflow runtime updates: Requesting resources

In this episode of the Channels podcast, we talked about computing resources. Ben Sherman took us through new and upcoming runtime improvements in Nextflow, leading to better performance, fine-tuning, and simpler syntax for pipelines.

We covered:

  • Fractional CPU requests (PR #2516)
  • resourceLimits directive (to replace check_max) (PR #2911)
  • Virtual threads in Groovy (PR #3871)
  • WebAssembly runtime (a lightweight alternative to containers)

We mentioned a new blog post at the end, entitled “Automating pipeline execution with Nextflow and Tower”.

You can find the recent nf-core / Nextflow training events at Trainings

Registration is closed for the Nextflow Summits 2023! But you can still watch the talks online: https://summit.nextflow.io/