Wellcome Genome Campus - Nextflow Symposium 2023


Join us in-person or online for Nextflow Symposium on the Wellcome Genome Campus. For further details, please see the symposium website. Everyone is welcome to attend.

If you have any questions about this event please reach out to Priyanka Surana.


You can register to attend the symposium in-person or online using the links on the website.

Attendance is free for both online and in-person. You can find travel and further information on the Logistics section.

In-person registration closes when sold out.

Register early to avoid disappointment!

:tickets: Register now

Abstract Submissions

We invite abstracts that showcase development, implementation and deployment of Nextflow pipelines. We also encourage abstracts that extend Nextflow or nf-core tools. Both in progress or recently published work are welcome for oral and poster presentation.

Only submissions for posters are still open.

:ballot_box: Submit Abstract


The symposium is a full day event. Please see the full programme on symposium website for details.

In-person at Wellcome Genome Campus

The in-person event will be held at the Kendrew Theatre in EMBL-EBI South Building at the Wellcome Genome Campus. See travel information, for further details.

If you wish to attend in person, please register in advance.

See Onsite Information, for details about the location and its facilities. On the day, reegistration desk will open from 9am. If you are an external visitor, please add in time for security.

Online on Zoom and YouTube

The symposium will be broadcasted via Zoom webinar. Closer to the event, registered attendees will recive the Zoom details. Slack will be used for Q&A on the day.

All posters will be available on the sympsoium website.