Nextflow Training Week (2025-Q1)

:rocket: Nextflow Training Week is a new quarterly self-paced online training designed for accessibility and flexibility. Featuring on-demand walkthrough videos and near real-time support via the community forum, this event replaces fixed-schedule Community Trainings—allowing learners to start anytime during the week and get timely help from staff and the global Nextflow community.

The first edition runs March 10-14, 2025 and is tailored for newcomers looking to get started with Nextflow.

Throughout the week, participants will work through the Hello Nextflow course on the Nextflow training portal. The course uses GitHub Codespaces as a free, ready-to-use training environment, eliminating the need for software installation—only a web browser and a GitHub account are required.

:tv: Learn at your own pace: Instructor-led videos will be available on YouTube, guiding learners through key concepts.
:teacher: … or as a group: We encourage teams, labs, and local groups to work through the course together virtually or in person (like this ‘watch party’). Learning is better with company!
:speech_balloon: Get support: Our staff and Nextflow ambassadors across multiple time zones will be available to answer questions in the Training section of the community forum (see instructions).
:brain: … and expert insight: Selected questions submitted to the forum will be answered by Evan Floden, one of the creators of Nextflow.


Hi, How do I signup for the training?

Hi @Bhargavi_G,
no need to sign up, you can follow the video and training materials online at your own pace during training week and will have support via this forum. That being said, you can check the Going box in the post above to indicate that you will participate, which will help have a better idea how many people followed the training.


Where can I find the material?

The training week will be following the course outlined at Nextflow Training -


Hi folks,

New videos for the “Hello Nextflow” training have just gone live. See the YouTube playlist:

These are now also embedded in Enjoy!
