Nextflow Training Week Instructions

:rocket: Nextflow Training Week is a quarterly self-paced online training designed for accessibility and flexibility. Featuring on-demand walkthrough videos and near real-time support via the community forum, this event replaces fixed-schedule Community Trainings—allowing learners to start anytime during the week and get timely help from staff and the global Nextflow community.

To find the schedule for upcoming Training Weeks, see the forum’s Events calendar.

Instructions for participants

  1. Go to the Nextflow training portal and pick a training course. For newcomers to Nextflow, we recommend the Hello Nextflow course.

  2. Follow the instructions on your chosen training course’s home page. This will involve launching a Github Codespaces cloud-hosted training environment, eliminating the need for software installation— you only need a web browser and a GitHub account (which is free). You will also find complete written instructions as well as instructor-led videos walking you through the course.

  3. If you run into any trouble or have any questions, post your question in this category of the forum. We’ll have staff members as well as community members in multiple timezones standing by to answer your questions and help you keep moving through the course.

  4. Make sure to fill out the survey at the end of the course. This is your opportunity to tell us how we could make the materials better and what else we could do to help you progress in your Nextflow journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to sign up somewhere?
    Signing up is not required, but feel free to mark yourself as “going” on the calendar invite.

  • I don’t want to wait until the next Training Week, can I already do the training course?
    Of course! Feel free to follow the instructions above. You can even still post questions in this forum category. We may not be able to answer your questions as quickly as during a Training Week, but we’ll do our best.

  • I’m an instructor or an experienced Nextflow user and I’d like to lead a group training. Can I do it as part of Training Week?
    Absolutely! That’s a great idea. If you let us know in advance, we can make sure someone is aware of your group and available to answer questions. If you’re getting together in person, we may even be able to mail you some stickers for your participants.

  • Will there be certificates of participation?
    We are looking into doing this; we’d like to do it but we need figure out the logistics. Stay tuned for a definitive answer.