nf-4Bioimage Workshop: Nextflow for Bioimage Analysis

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to a workshop/mini-conference event we are organizing, focused on bioimage analysis using Nextflow and nf-core. It will take place in Tübingen, on the 26th and 27th of September (also online in Gather Town).

We have collected a group of colleagues working in a range of different bioimage modalities (e.g. from light-sheet microscopy, and MACSima/CODEX, to the MRI/CT scale) who would be interested in participating in a Nextflow event. We would like to use this opportunity to try to bring the Nextflow/nf-core and OME/Bioimage communities closer together, invite people to present their work, and provide hands-on training sessions focused on Nextflow, nf-core, and OME tools.

Feel free to register here!