Nf-core create seems that utf8 is not supported

I used the following commands, the first one can be created, the second one cannot be created.

nf-core pipelines create -n scrna -d 'test' -a 'test' --force
nf-core pipelines create -n scrna -d '测试' -a 'test' --force

the error is:

RuntimeError: Command 'nextflow config -flat /data01/liaorenpeng/work/20241212-nextflow-scrna/nf-core-scrna' returned non-zero error code '1':
[red]> ERROR ~ Unable to parse config file: '/data01/liaorenpeng/work/20241212-nextflow-scrna/nf-core-scrna/nextflow.config'

  Cannot read config file include:

What’s your nf-core version?

Your command worked fine here. See the screenshots below. I’m using nf-core tools version 3.0.2.