Run nextflow with fusion without internet connection

I want to execute nextflow process in k8s cluster with fution. Since I’m developing the pipeline in corporate network, I need to configure wave to utilize private image registry. Anybody knows how to do this? Links of documents would be appreciated.

P.S. what’s the plan in kuberun, is it going to be deprecated?

Hi @ChrainWang,

There are two things here: Wave and the image registry. Using a custom image registry is typically pretty simple ( Nextflow config). However, that still requires an internet connection to contact Wave at

To run in a truly offline manner, you need to host your own instance of Wave on your system, as well as self-hosting the Fusion binary so that Wave can augment images with it. This is possible, but a lot more involved. Can you confirm that this would definitely be needed? Note that Wave is free and open source software, but you need to be a Seqera customer to use Fusion in this way.

We are in the process of rewriting the Wave docs and hope to have a lot more material available on this soon.
