Hi everyone!
I’d like to run the latest release of a pipeline automatically.
Currently, I use a combination of nextflow pull
and parsing nextflow info
for nextflow run -r
Is there something more straightforward?
Hi everyone!
I’d like to run the latest release of a pipeline automatically.
Currently, I use a combination of nextflow pull
and parsing nextflow info
for nextflow run -r
Is there something more straightforward?
nextflow run -latest <pipeline>
Thanks Mahesh!
Does this point to the latest release tag or the latest commit in the default branch?
The latest commit of a branch given with -r
or the default branch if not specified.
Note, there is a page on CLI options in the documentation, although in this particular case it doesn’t answer your last question.
Hmm, I think, this doesn’t solve my problem
The latest commit on the default branch is not necessary the latest release tag. For example, I’d like to run -r 1.2.3
and -r 1.3.0
the next time (if there was a new release).
Yeah, I’m aware of the CLI documentation, but it’s lacking some details/explanations at some points.
Ah, then I misunderstood completely. I think then you need to use the Github API to query the latest tag, and use it that way.
E.g. ( replacing the repo path )
tag="$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/box/box-java-sdk/releases/latest | jq -r '.tag_name')"
from Getting latest tag on git repository · GitHub
You could then write a launch script to do this automatically if you want ( i.e. run this and then pass the env variable to -r
Just for completion an example bash script to run the latest version of nf-core/rnaseq with some extra features:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# Select workflow (default: nf-core/rnaseq)
# Select profile (default: standard)
# Set working directory
# Check for params file as arg
if test -f "${1:-''}"; then
WF_PARAMS="-params-file $1"
if test -f "$WORKFLOW"; then
# File is a local script
nextflow run "$WORKFLOW" \
-work-dir "$WORKDIR" \
-profile "$PROFILE" \
-resume \
# Run latest release
TAG=$( curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/$WORKFLOW/releases/latest" | jq -r '.tag_name' )
# Workflow version or branch to use (default: latest tag)
# Workflow hosted on remote
nextflow run "$WORKFLOW" \
-work-dir "$WORKDIR" \
-profile "$PROFILE" \
-r "$BRANCH" \
-latest \
-resume \
# Clean up Nextflow cache to remove unused files
nextflow clean -f -before "$( nextflow log -q | tail -n 1 )"
# Clean up empty work directories
find "$WORKDIR" -type d -empty -delete
And can be called with:
PROFILE=test,docker bash run_nextflow.sh params.yml
Nice, thanks for sharing!
I guess, I’ll switch to curl
instead of parsing nextflow info
output and nextflow run -latest
to get the remote changes
(+1 to post this in the Tips & Tricks section )
I didn’t know about the nextflow info
. It seems that can be used too to get the latest tag.
nextflow info -o json nf-core/rnaseq | jq -r '.revisions.current'
I’m 75 % sure that nextflow info
needs a nextflow pull
before in order to get the latest version!
Or something like nextflow info -latest
would probably solve that, but -latest
is not available for nextflow info
There’s no -latest
, but there is -check-updates
But you’re correct. The workflow needs to have been pulled.
nextflow info nf-core/mag
fails immediately since it hasn’t been pulled.
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